At Bloom Family Health & Wellness we offer same day appointments for DOT physicals by a certified NRCME Provider to renew your DOT licensing as quickly as possible.
We are proud to offer Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exams conducted by our National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME) provider. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that commercial drivers meet the medical requirements set forth by the DOT to safely operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).
Our DOT Physical Services Include:
Our goal is to ensure the safety of commercial drivers, fellow motorists, and the general public by conducting thorough DOT physical exams and adhering to DOT regulations and guidelines. We are committed to providing professional, efficien, and reliable services to support the transportation industry and promote safe driving practices.
Comprehensive Physical Examination
Our NRCME provider conducts thorough physical examinations in accordance with DOT regulations to assess the driver's overall health, including vision, hearing, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory function, and musculoskeletal fitness.
Medical History Review
We review the driver's medical history, including any past surgeries, chronic conditions, medications, and relevant health information that may impact their ability to safely perform essential job functions.
Urine Drug Testing
You may be required by DOT regulations to perform urine drug testing to screen for controlled substances, to ensure compliance with DOT drug testing protocols.
Vision and Hearing Testing
Our NRCME provider performs vision tests (visual acuity, color vision, peripheral vision) and hearing whisper test to evaluate the driver's ability to safely operate a CMV, as per DOT vision and hearing standards.
Certification Documentation
Upon successful completion of the DOT physical exam and meeting all DOT medical requirements, our NRCME provider issues the necessary certification documentation (e.g., Medical Examiner's Certificate - Form MCSA-5876) for the driver to maintain their CDL (Commercial Driver's License) and continue operating CMVs.