Telehealth Video Visits
Telehealth Video Visits
We offer convenient and accessible telehealth visits to meet the healthcare needs of our patients. Our telehealth services provide a secure and confidential platform for virtual consultations, allowing patients to connect with our healthcare providers from any location with internet access. Please note that not all insurance plans include coverage for these services. Ultimately, depending on the level of concern, telehealth visits will be at the providers discretion.
Our Telehealth Services Include:
Our telehealth services are designed to provide convenient, timely, and high-quality healthcare while prioritizing patient safety, accessibility, and satisfaction.
Virtual Consultations
Patients can schedule telehealth appointments for various healthcare needs, some types of follow-up visits, acute/urgent care consultations, some medication management (controlled substances are excluded), and chronic disease management.
Symptom Evaluation
Our healthcare providers conduct thorough assessments and evaluations of symptoms, medical history, and current health concerns during telehealth visits to provide as accurate of a diagnosis possible via telehealth and treatment recommendations accordingly.
Medication Prescriptions
If needed, our providers can electronically prescribe medications and send prescriptions directly to the patient's preferred pharmacy for convenience.
Follow-Up Care
Telehealth visits are an effective way to conduct follow-up appointments, monitor progress, review test results, and adjust treatment plans as needed without the need for in-person visits where appropriate.
Continuity of Care
Telehealth visits ensure continuity of care by allowing patients to stay connected with their healthcare providers, especially during times when in-person visits may be challenging or not feasible.